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Overlay Management

Tax Management

Creating Tax Alpha

Adhesion Wealth’s tax-sensitive overlay management service is an automated answer to the challenge of identifying the most tax-advantageous ways to enact trading. We enable you to efficiently optimize trading and tax-loss harvesting at the sleeve and account level.

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The Ultimate Goal Is Tax Alpha

We’ll help you incorporate pre-trade tax-aware considerations and other variables to ensure that client portfolios remain closely aligned with their investment goals and balance that with optimizing tax opportunities to help enhance your clients’ after-tax total return.

Adhesion Wealth’s premium, customizable overlay solution can help address differentiated tax circumstances that require individualized attention to diversify portfolios in a tax-efficient manner through:

  • Tax loss harvesting
  • Gain/loss matching
  • Avoiding wash sale violations
  • Delaying a trade until a short–term position goes long–term if there is no offset

Our Established Tax-Aware Capabilities

Proactive Tax Management

Adhesion Wealth’s proactive, opportunistic approach can employ tax-loss harvesting year-round—not just at year’s end—to take advantage of losses whenever market conditions warrant.

Client–Specific Customization

Leverage our in-depth expertise to scalably deliver customized tax management at the client level, helping you establish tax mandates for client-specific gain/loss budgets.

Effective, Centralized Approach

Our tax management capabilities are enabled through the combination of Adhesion Wealth’s sophisticated UMA platform, a centralized overlay portfolio management service, and a series of parameters defined by the Separate Account Managers (SMA) available through our manager marketplace, the Adhesion Wealth Manager Exchange.

Adhesion Wealth Taxable Account Transition Service

Our engineered process enables a custom transition program for each client’s account by implementing a tax-budgeted transition around a direct-invested index, customized specifically to achieve target risk and tax goals.

Find Out How You Can Generate Tax Alpha